SIMPLE MATH FOR A SIMPLE TECHNIQUEStart by pulling up your scientific calculator. In Windows type ‘calc’ into the Run prompt. On Linux, type ‘gcaltool’ in the terminal console.
Once the calculator appears, select ‘Scientific’ from the View menu. This will add lots of buttons and options to your plain old calculator. Above the buttons, notices the radial buttons next to each of the number systems: bin (binary), oct (octal), dec (decimal) and hex (hexadecimal). These buttons are used to switch back and forth between the different bases, as well as convert the numbers.
Follow these steps, using the example IP address of
Verify that the calculator is in Decimal (‘dec’ should be selected)
Type in the first octet of the IP address (173)
Convert the number to binary by clicking the ‘bin’ radial button.
Write this number down. The calculator displays ‘10101101’. Octets represent EIGHT digits. If the result from the calculator shows other than eight digits, one would need to pad the front of the number. In order for this technique to work correctly enter each result in eight digits. Pad the beginning of the number with zeroes until the octet has eight digits. This means if the number only has seven numbers (1000000), you should write down ‘01000000’
Switch the calculator back to Decimal.
Clear the calculator display.
Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the remaining octets. Your results should be: 173 (10101101), 194 (11000010), 35 (00100011) and 178 (10110010)
Switch the calculator to binary.
Combine the results of your conversion into a single 32-bit number (01000000111010011010011101100011) Notice, if you failed to pad a number with a zero, the result would not be 32 bits, and the technique would fail.
Type this number into the calculator and convert it to decimal. This should give you a decimal result of 2915181490.
In your browser, type
http://2915181490 and hit enter.
Notice that the Google search engine appears.
A content filter will see a request for a web server named 2915181490. This does not match (1) the name of a banned server, (2) an IP address or (3) a keyword. The browser wrote the 32 address into the packet header, but the content filter, which only inspects the HTTP header, doesn’t notice that the server is blacklisted. Because this activity is not significant, it will not flag your request. Instead, it will fetch the content that was requested.
Edit: If this technique does not provide the desired results, we will need to use more complicated math.