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Author Topic: Giving locations on vent.  (Read 1966 times)

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Offline EddieLee

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2010, 06:17:32 AM »
when facing repeating NONoffensive campers (ie. someone thats neither a sniper and/or trying to pinpoint your location or position itself in a place where she/he knows you will pass by SOON) i preffer to do /kill, it takes away 1 of my kills but i dont care, i prefer to save time and they dont get the satisfaction of the cheap kill :P...

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Offline Venom

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2010, 12:12:58 PM »
It just gets the round over quickly, get over it peeeeps....kthxbye

Offline SnKMaddog

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2010, 01:06:31 PM »
Does it really matter?  SuperTS is a MOD, so its all about fun anyway.  Why go crazy if someone can see where you are, etc?  Its not really meant to be as serious as other game modes.  Fun is paramount.

SnKGoogleIt, you mention dying when you listen to someone giving out a position of your opponent.  Why don't you just ignore what others say about your opponent and play off your instincts instead?  Problem solved.

I personally agree with SnKQuake[1up].  The ability to spec everyone in SuperTS is awesome, and should not be removed.

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Offline GoogleIt

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2010, 01:31:14 PM »
Does it really matter?  SuperTS is a MOD, so its all about fun anyway.  Why go crazy if someone can see where you are, etc?  Its not really meant to be as serious as other game modes.  Fun is paramount.

SnKGoogleIt, you mention dying when you listen to someone giving out a position of your opponent.  Why don't you just ignore what others say about your opponent and play off your instincts instead?  Problem solved.

I personally agree with SnKQuake[1up].  The ability to spec everyone in SuperTS is awesome, and should not be removed.

SnKMaddog, apparently it does matter. ie. Members posting in this thread.
+ I'm not an idiot, I do try to ignore what others say about my opponent and play off of my instincts, but it is rather difficult at times when I have people telling me things about my opponent and I'm wearing headphones. I suppose I'm not that great at ignoring people.
I too, personally agree with SnKQuake[1up].

EDIT: My instincts tell me that I should listen for footsteps and things of that nature, but as previously stated, it can be difficult when people on Vent are trying to "do you a favor" by giving out the opponent's location.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 01:33:29 PM by SnKGoogleIt »

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Offline Gemma

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2010, 02:56:31 PM »
I don't care about the spec setting.  Don't care about giving up other people's location.  Don't care if they give up mine! BUT, I guess if I had a say-so, I'd say that I would prefer people didn't try to tell me where they are.  Finding them is half the fun of TS for me. 

Just my $.02 

Offline BourBon

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2010, 04:18:36 PM »
Giving locations in vent

Yes or No?

The only point of this thread by any logic is to bring attention to everyone about how you feel about giving away positions.  Obviously, vent ref's aren't going to be kicking people right and left for giving away locations. 


the choice is yours:

1.  Mute the player that gives away locations if you don't like it

2.  Do nothing and play the game while being in vent

3.  Don't get in vent

Bourbon's Choice:

I either don't get in vent or I do nothing because I'm to lazy to mute ppl


I enjoy finding ppl and cultivating skills in listening for footsteps, nades, and gunfire.  I also enjoy watching the mini map to see locations of teammates.  If you want to improve your game I suggest you don't give away locations it's extremely distracting.  It gets me killed most of the time because I stop playing by my instincts.  Which means I am not improving my skill or using my brain at all and that is boring.  Now, if you are killed by someone obviously, share where you died, tell your team where the heck the enemy is!  I tell ppl on my team when I spec my teammates that I heard footsteps this way or that.  You can help your team that way.  I say no to telling locations of the enemy because you are spec'ing the enemy.  Skillless buttheads! lol (:
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 04:23:58 PM by Snkbourbon[1up] »

Offline Zoro

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2010, 02:29:34 AM »
ppl using the spectator to give away other ppls locations is bull, Its the equivalent of cheating Imo. I vote that the spectator ability of red to be able to spec blue and blue able to spec red be taken off. Any opinions on the matter?

Take into consideration how you would feel if you didnt have access to vent and it was an unfair fight between some1 who always knew where you were because they were in vent. Food for thought, I think its the equivalent of Wallhacking.

I agree it is annoying, but i'm not an an asshat an tell be others location i just play the game for fun not winning.   :)

Offline Gemma

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Re: Giving locations on vent.
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2010, 12:45:30 PM »
Giving locations in vent

Yes or No?

The only point of this thread by any logic is to bring attention to everyone about how you feel about giving away positions.  Obviously, vent ref's aren't going to be kicking people right and left for giving away locations. 


the choice is yours:

1.  Mute the player that gives away locations if you don't like it

2.  Do nothing and play the game while being in vent

3.  Don't get in vent

Bourbon's Choice:

I either don't get in vent or I do nothing because I'm to lazy to mute ppl


I enjoy finding ppl and cultivating skills in listening for footsteps, nades, and gunfire.  I also enjoy watching the mini map to see locations of teammates.  If you want to improve your game I suggest you don't give away locations it's extremely distracting.  It gets me killed most of the time because I stop playing by my instincts.  Which means I am not improving my skill or using my brain at all and that is boring.  Now, if you are killed by someone obviously, share where you died, tell your team where the heck the enemy is!  I tell ppl on my team when I spec my teammates that I heard footsteps this way or that.  You can help your team that way.  I say no to telling locations of the enemy because you are spec'ing the enemy.  Skillless buttheads! lol (:

Eloquent, as always! Nuff said.