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Author Topic: Mac Mapping  (Read 1510 times)

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Offline Dougy

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Mac Mapping
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:53:46 AM »
Lets Get Started...

For PPC Macs Goto:

or (not very good though, Only use 1.4 as 1.5 is very buggy.)

For Intel Macs Goto:

Once downloaded unpack and put into your /Applications/ Folder.

Run the packs Installer and install the quake3 packs to /Applications/.

Problems with Leopard and Snow Leopard
MacRadiant has some problems with Leopard and Snow Leopard, but you can work around them as follows (taken from Eridan's posts on the forum):

To open the Macradiant bundle as in the application you right click and goto "show contents"

First, you need to update X11. Get the latest Leopard version from
Navigate inside your MacRadiant 1.x bundle and locate the "script" file inside Contents/Resources. To open "Contents/Resources", just control-click or right-click on the MacRadiant 1.x icon. A menu should appear. Select "Display content" or something similar and a window should pop up, with a "Contents" folder in it. Open the "script" file with your favorite text editor and remove the group of lines starting from the line
### Work around ...etc...
down to (and including) the line
export DISPLAY= ...etc...
(15 lines in all I think). Then, you should have, at the end of the file :
ulimit -n 512
exec "$CWD/sw/ .... etc ....
Fire up the Terminal application (in /Applications/Utilities/) and type the the following three lines (in the following, YOURPATH should be replaced by the path to your MacRadiant application bundle; don't forget to press the RETURN key at the end of each line) :
cd "YOURPATH/MacRadiant"
mv libiconv.2.dylib libiconv.2.dylib.orig
ln -s /usr/lib/libiconv.dylib libiconv.2.dylib

Snow Leopard
Make the changes as for Leopard - note you don't need to update X11 though.
Open Terminal application
Go to the lib folder inside the MacRadiant bundle by entering the following line (press the return key at the end)
cd "/Applications/MacRadiant"
(If MacRadiant is not located in the Applications folder, change the beginning of the preceding line accordingly)
Type the following line and press the return key :
rm libxml2.2.dylib
Type the following line and press the return key :
ln -s /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib libxml2.2.dylib

You should now have a baseq3 and a missionpack folder in your /Applications/ Folder, We don't use missionpack but we do use baseq3.

Next you need to goto your urban terror q3ut4 folder and duplicate you zpak000_assets.pk3 and rename the duplicate to, then you need to unpack the zip.

You should be left with a folder called Zpak000_assets with all the stuff you need.

now open the newly made folder zpak000_assets and delete the following things:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You should then be left with the following:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Place them in your baseq3 folder located in /Applications/

if it asks to overwrite just click yes.

check in your scripts folder located in /Application/baseq3/ and see if there is a file called shaderlist.txt, if so then goto /Applications/baseq3/textures and hit "Applekey(command)+a" and select all the folders then hit "Applekey(command)+c" to copy all the folders then go back to the shaderlist.txt which should be now open in textedit (or your favorite text editor) and hit "Applekey(command)+a" and then hit "delete" to delete the already existing text then hit "Applekey(command)+v" to paste in what you copied earlier then save the shaderlist.txt and close it.

Alternatively i will attach it to this topic inside a zip.


download the attached entities definition and urban terror definition files and place them in your "/Applications/baseq3/scripts" folder if it asks to overwrite existing click yes.

Now all you have to do is open MacRadiant 1.4/1.5(Although 1.5 is very buggy and i recommend you use 1.4) then X11/XQuartz should pop up and you're good to go.



« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 08:28:50 PM by Dougy[1up] »

Offline FoxyDaddy

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Re: Mac Mapping
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 08:36:25 PM »
TBH, this seems like a nice tut, but I don't own a mac or map, so I don't understand most of it, just thought I wouldn't leave a nice thread reply-less.