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A sorta crash
« on: October 07, 2012, 09:36:37 PM »
Hey ive been looking over the internet and havent found anything yet but thought i would ask you guys. my pc latly has been doing this thing where lets say im in urt playing and it will switch me to my desktop. my game is still running it just randomly puts it to the bottem. and no im not hitting the windows key or alt tabing. it just does it randomly. not just for urt either i tried a few other games and same beef. Any ideas?

Offline Cope57[1up]

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Re: A sorta crash
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 10:37:12 PM »
Try this:
Check if your "Sticky Keys" is turned "On", turn it "Off":
1. Go to the Control Panel.
2. Double clcik "Ease of Access"
3. Under "Make your computer easier to use" click on "Make the keyboard easier to use"
4. Under "Make it easier to type" click to uncheck the box before "Turn on sticky keys" to uncheck it.
5. Click on "Apply" and ""Save"

I would also suggest using an online virus scanner such as TrendMicro Housecall.
If you have a virus, and your anti-virus was bypassed by the intelligent virus, then it is best to use an outside virus scanner.  Also check for worms and Trojans.  Other options is to make sure your remote desktop is turned off, and possible printer sharing.

Edit:  Sorry, I forgot to ask what operating system you are using, since navigation through various Windows OS's can be different.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 10:39:25 PM by Cope57 »

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