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Any post "Apologizing" will be henceforth deleted from the forums.You may post an apology if authorized by me, sniper or Ron and it is justified to be publicAn apology topic may be made by a 1up member IN the 1up section and only the 1up sectionAll other disputes must be taken care of by PM. If you need a mediator just include me in the PMALSO, if you are an admin, ref, or forum moderator. YOU may not unlock a topic that I have locked unless authorizedIf you make a new topic discussing anything about the locked topic unless authorized, the appropriate route of punishment will be taken1up doesn't have time for this.Thank-you,Panda
Since we are talking about apologies I will post something only slightly controversial.Do not judge me please.
Microsoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"
What about commenting off topic with an apology.... I see a loophole here