Don't you think the default textured weapons are getting boring >.>?
Modifying a weapon skin is easy, save "zpak000_assets.pk3" as a zip, extract it, and navigate to:
zpak000_assets > models > weapons2
There will be a list of folders named whatever weapon it is, the sr8 was really easy to mod, all I changed was "back.jpg" and "base.jpg"
Here is a screenshot of the SR8 skin:
However, it does not work on any server that has sv_pure 1 on, which sucks.
The only way is to put a .pk3 that would have the modified skins on the server, or the "cheating" way, by bypassing sv_pure 1.
Maybe some of the pr0 ph0t0sh0pers can maybe make some weapon skins exclusive for 1up, like the soundpack.
Idk, I just thought maybe some new skins would make the game feel more fun imo