This was posted as replys before. This is not to teach you how to hack, as it includes no information on where to get them and all that. The thing is, to catch a hacker you need to know about what hacks there are, what they are called and what to look for. so here it is.... i edited it a bit for easier reading. Some of this was just copied from various sources, some i wrote. hence the change in grammar frequently in this post.
Types of hacks
-Net Limiter: this will raise your ping on purpose to give you a jumping effect. In certain games this may appear to be seamless movement when in reality they are "warping". This will cause an otherwise direct hit to become a miss.
- aimbot: generally, there are 3 types:
a) always active, the easyer to spot: the player turns always aiming perfectly to every player around him.
b) binded aim, like the previous, but it happens just sometimes, when the player press a button.
c) low fov aim, the player needs to aim NEAR the player, and the bot will active and help him with the aim. The harder to spot, 'cause the fov of active aim is customizable (sometimes is set to very low values). It can be very useful sometimes to look at the demo setting the lowest fov (90), and setting a low timescale (i use 0,1 - 0,2) when it shoot at a player: u can notice a lot of small movements all around the player aimed (for example: head, torso, arm, head, leg...).
- autoshoot: easy to spot, simply it shoots everytime a player is aimed perfectly, very low bullet with no hits. Usually "noob cheaters" with autoshoot move the aim around the player speedly, leaving the autoshoot do his job (at least, if the aimbot is not active).
- radar: the hardest to spot. There are some tricks to spot it: hide in an uncommon place (looking that no one see u), and let him find u: if it takes very short time, probably he uses it. Another hint is to look if someone is able to take him from back. If nobody takes him in the back, even if walking silently, u have ur answer.
-Chams or "wall hack" : As many of us know, this does not dictate a full aimbot or anything of the sort. This just whos the player where they opponents are through walls. A carefull player will just use whats seen infront of them and not look around more than usual, especially when kill cams and ghosting are enabled.
-Anti-Recoil : This is a very tricky one to spot. This has two effects. It lowers the spread of the bullets to a certain degree while at the same time preventing the firing making their view move up, which is common with automatic guns in alot of FPS games. ** This is disputed for UrT as being a hack that "pulses" your shots to keep spread down - J2 **
How to test a possible hacker
Overall i am not saying this person is hacking. However what i did see certain tells. This does not mean they were hacking, only that if they were they are good at hiding it.
A person who hacks that does not have the goal to always be the best, but to just raise their appeared skill level can do many tricks to make it appear as just pure talent. What im basically saying is that while watching these demos i noticed certain things that do not exactly sit well with me. Basically signs that they might be hacking.
My advice is to take no action, but to watch them in the future via ghost mode. Watch for them tracing invisible objects through walls, having a habit of moving out of danger just before it would become dangerous, IE moving behind a corner right before someone comes out from another. Next if you truely want to tell there is a very easy way to tell.
This method requires 2 people. 1 player, 1 ghost. The ghost watches them play. Simple enough. run to a corner he is facing like your going to charge right out, then stop right before that and before there is anyway he could see you.
*******alot of cheaters will leave immediately or toggle off their cheats if they see an admin go spec.*******
This is a cham check. if he shoots, guilty. If not, possibly not. I wouldnt sit there and stalk him, but if he passed i would just count it as a pass until another complaint came in, if one did at least.
Things to google for education
radars, low-fov aimbots, netlimiters, replaced textures of models
About GUID
Here are the facts on what is "normal"
A guid can not be blank, UrT generates a random guid based on the following data
Your IP, Server IP, Server Port
This then means that a GUID is different for "each server" and protects against GUID clones or stealing.
If you set sv_guidserverunique "0" then it only takes into account YOUR data, and your guid does not change from server to server. This is generally a bad idea, as people can "pretend" to be you. Most server admins do not share GUID bans as they fully expect them to be un-reliable.
UrT is only capable of using the following CHRS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F and any other CHR would be something "manipulating" the cl_guid value. In other words a 3rd party piece of software.
While UrT as it stands at the moment has no "sanity checking" on the server side, B3, RedCap (nice one) and Mandingo all check for these violations and terminate the client connection respectively. "