Alamist is dyslexics brother if anyone dosent know. I believe we should let him in the past is the past. He can start over with a clean slate.
Do keep in mind, that Dyslexic is little more than a child, and you can't expect him to act much different from one.
I don't know if 1upz applications have a clan vote, but if so, I will not be voting on this one to remove my own personal bias.
ALSO, PLEASE NOTE THIS: I assume NO responsibility for any of dyslexic's actions, comments, behaviors etc. And I hope that any and all forms of misconduct committed by him shall result directly and solely in his own personal punishment.
You all should keep in mind the number of clans he has hopped through, and if not monitored, could lead to the creation of a new Turtlez.
Other than that, best of wishes on your vote, Dyslexic.