I'd personally set the nmp_tkp_min_kills 3 to nmp_tkp_min_kills 2 so they have one time to get the point and the next time they get kicked. Is it possible to set if they come back and do it again to ban them for a certain time? Or will the plugin not keep the data on them so when they come back they have a clean slate? That maybe a bit too harsh when I think about it considering people do kill each other on accident at times. Whats the nmp_tkp_team_attacks 4 do? It says "Number of team attacks to count as team kill." so does that mean they could be punished for just doing team damage and not even killing them necessarily? Also once it's fixed (you said there was some errors) I think it should be implemented on Public as well.
Yes, this plugin needs to be edited to correct some errors that are causing it not to work properly. See example of log below:
L 03/09/2015 - 16:41:31: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "nmp_tkp.smx":
L 03/09/2015 - 16:41:31: [SM] [0] Line 579, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/7/0/1/4/3/129228.attach::PunishClient()
L 03/09/2015 - 16:41:31: [SM] [1] Line 427, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/7/0/1/4/3/129228.attach::Menu_Punishments()
L 03/09/2015 - 17:06:17: [SM] Native "SetEntProp" reported: Property "m_bHasPills" not found (entity 3/player)
L 03/09/2015 - 17:06:17: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "nmp_tkp.smx":
L 03/09/2015 - 17:06:17: [SM] [0] Line 643, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/7/0/1/4/3/129228.attach::PunishClient()
L 03/09/2015 - 17:06:17: [SM] [1] Line 427, /home/groups/alliedmodders/forums/files/7/0/1/4/3/129228.attach::Menu_Punishments()