Wow, hello everyone.
Some of you might not know me that well, but I just wanted to share my story what 1up meant and still means to me.
Urban Terror was one of the first games I actually played, and I don't really remember how I found the game and started playing, but I can see that I registered my account back in 2012, I just turned 14 at the time and was so excited about 1up and I really wanted to become a part of the community. At that time I played on the Zombie Mod server 24/7 with my neighbour / best friend and loved it.
To be real serious with you ya'll meant so much to me at the time, I remember looking up to you guys so damn much (I still do, yikes
). You were like gods in my eyes, seriously. You are the ones that learnt me to be civil, patient and kind. The part my parents had almost no control over (everything online) was taken care of by you people. You learnt me speak English and I've got one particular memory of that: One day I was playing on the Zombie server and I had absolutely no idea that I was spelling "with" wrong all the time. I always typed "whit" instead of "with". (At the time I wasn't a member yet and was working on my English to write my application in the best English possible). One of you guys politely said: "Premium, in that case it is with, not whit". This might sound like a stupid small thing and I don't know why I remember this so well, but things like that helped me out and made me improve day in day out.
You were always so patient with me, the first time I applied I did't get in and I remember being really sad, but I kept improving (mostly because of you guys) and the second time I got in. I had a great time and after some time I left, for reasons I actually don't really remember. I vaguely remember something about that I was struggling with myself at the time, and if me leaving hurt you guys in any way because ya'll gave me a huge second change to get in, I'm so sorry..
So, thank you ALL, really, thank you for the great time.
This post is me giving a little bit back to you guys for everything you guys meant to me and did for me at the time.
On topic:
I'm currently in my third year of my Bachelor of Science (Bio-Informatics) and I'm 21 years young.
Love, Premium <3