Hi marvin, i was just wondering, do you know how to set up urban terror for ubuntu? Ubuntu and mac use linux so i thought you know it. I tried to download the game for linux users from urt website but when i finish dwl it fails to extract the files.
Im guessing you are in North America so here:
http://www.quakeunity.com/file=2585 or
http://dls.urt.voxel.net/q3ut4/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zipdownload the files, use Terminal to go to the file location, do a md5check on it ( md5: 1370306ea236f65f595e7ca70765e469), extract em and look for the Linux 32bits executable: ioUrbanTerror.i386 or if you have a 64 architecture look for ioUrbanTerror.x86_64, make it executable (if you dont know how to then here its the GUID based way: right click, then properties-permissions, then click on "allow executing file as program") accept and you should be ready to go.
I DID read your post, perhaps this is not the solution but with the little info i had i cannot think of anything more than redownloading from a (possible different location), checking the md5 and following the same instructions i did - which worked for me- good luck, also i would recommend using the Terminal its better if you practice this stuff there tho.
In Terminal go to the location of your downloaded file and do sudo chmod -x IoUr (press TAB and it will selfcomplete), to check for md5 go to the same location and $ md5sum ioUrbanTerror.i386. Dont mean to sound condescending explaining such easy to do and find steps but whenever i have asked for help at linux forums and got it explained like this it helped me a lot, if you already had tried these steps and still fails, can you provide more info? its really weird that it doesnt even extracts, do you have a standard Ubuntu install?
Also, heres mine, Linux Mint 9 Isadora, i know its as "noobish" as it gets but im not as pro as KD or Slim hehe and Mint works really nice for me, i DO had a Arch box with XFCE and PuppyLinux but i lent it to my mom since hers melted down and she needed something to work with.
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