Please do not take this the wrong way, but there were a lot of people who were not on the roster who played in the A server. They caused the scores to get WAY out of wack.
I went through all the stats and took out everyones kills and deaths who were not on the official roster, and it changes up the top 3 spots.
*** IMPORTANT NOTE... I am NOT suggesting you change the rankings, I am just pointing out that you guys cost good players their spots, and caused the teams to be way off. It was unprofessional of you all to do something like that. ***
Here are the adjusted stats. civil still won, but now Merky got 2nd, and beast got booted from the top 3. Thor still wound up taking 3rd.
K D Score
civil* 360 269 91
Merky 286 224 62
thoR 209 149 60
[T]beast 336 280 56
[51]Khali 222 177 45
no|Diggolo 99 62 37
]|[Jetnet 223 272 -49
FedoraMike 220 286 -66[1up]v] 48 134 -86
FetchD 145 289 -144
Don't get me wrong 1UP, I had a great time, I just hope that next time you guys lock the top class down to good players, and not let sandbaggers into the match. If there is room, and they want to spec, go ahead.
Again, had fun, enjoyed the competition, and I look forward to the next Cup.
(FYI, if anyone wants my Excel Sheet, find me, and I will post it somewhere.)