We SNKs are constantly being asked the meaning of our prefix and our relationship to eachother. Hopefully this clear it all up for anyone who is curious.
SNK (or SnK) stands for Stalk 'n Kill. It was originally a Rainbow Six clan started by SnKQuake, along with another friend who no longer plays called SnKR3ydium. The small clan died out, but the name stuck around, largely thanks to SnKTank and SnKGoogleIt. Here are the SNKs and their relationship to eachother:
SnKTank: Austin - brother of SnKQuake and SNKmilf
SnKQuake: Paul - husband of SnKQuakesWIfe and brother of SnKTank and SNKmilf
SnKQuakesWife: Charlie - wife of SnKQuake and sister of SNKmaddog
SnKMaddog: Murry - husband of SnKbourbon and brother of SnKQuakesWife
SnKbourbon: Bri - wife of SnKMaddog and sister of Coffee
SnKcoffee (also known as coffee, Coffeeblaxxx, and CoffeeWhites): Cory - husband of SNKpoe and brother of SnKbourbon
SNKpoe: Emily - wife of SnKcoffee
snkFLOYD: (also know as SNKMFER) Luke - husband of SNKmilf
SnKMilf: Emily - wife of snkFLOYD and sister of SnKQuake
hope that cleared a few things up.
***Edit*** Removed SlimShady, Munchies, GoogleIt, and Girlwithagun.