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Offline [DSG]Durandal

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FOV zoom scripts
« on: February 12, 2010, 05:13:32 AM »
So I normally play at fov 110 to maximize the viewable peripheral area. I've noticed though, mostly because of lack of skill and a crappy mouse... that I have issues hitting in certain situations. (Is that a blue helmet behind that box? oh.. respawn in 3...2...1... )

So I've been experimenting with adding a precision "zoom" to all My guns.

Basically I wrote a small script that changes the fov to 90 and drops the mouse sensitivity. So now... I can tap mouse2 to zoom in with a sniper rifle normally... but it uses the same button to give Me a small zoom and precision boost with an auto or pistol.

It's still in the testing phase... but it seems to work. It only really affects gameplay if you use a fov higher than 90 to begin with.

Here are the details:

Save this to fovzoom_mouse.cfg in your q3ut4 folder...
Code: [Select]
set fovm90 "ut_zoomin; set cg_fov 90; sensitivity 3; set fovzoom_mouse vstr fovm110"
set fovm110 "ut_zoomin; set cg_fov 110; sensitivity 5; set fovzoom_mouse vstr fovm90"
set fovzoom_mouse "vstr fovm90"

Here is what I did to make it work.

/exec fovzoom_mouse
/bind mouse2 "vstr fovzoom_mouse"
/bind mwheelup "ut_zoomreset; set cg_fov 110; sensitivity 5; set fovzoom_mouse vstr fovm90"

My normal buttons are mouse2 zoomin... wheel up zoom reset... so the reason that wheelup now includes the fov and sensitivity is because if I zoom out.. I don't want to be stuck in the fov 90.

You could adjust the sensitivity to whatever you prefer... those settings work for Me because of My system setup... just adjust them for whatever two values you want in the .cfg.

----- Version 2 -----

If you want to just have a button that does this and doesn't double up with normal zoom... one that just does the fov and sensitivity toggle... I have a script for that too. I put this on My capslock (I use WASD controls) and tested it on some pubs earlier and it worked out well. You can use it with any gun... including sniper rifles (just to get the sensitivity boost).

Code: [Select]
set fov90 "set cg_fov 90; sensitivity 1.7; set fovzoom vstr fov110;ut_echo ^7Precision Aiming: ^2ACTIVATED"
set fov110 "set cg_fov 110; sensitivity 5; set fovzoom vstr fov90;ut_echo ^7Precision Aiming: ^1DEACTIVATED"
set fovzoom "vstr fov90"

Then in console:

/exec fovzoom
/bind capslock "vstr fovzoom"


There has been an ongoing discussion about this on the urt forums... one other method that I didn't care for was to have fov 90 when you walked / crouched... and fov 110 when you run / sprint but only as long as you hold the button. It's not hard to implement. If anyone is interested I'll dig up the script for that too.
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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2010, 10:27:58 AM »
hacker.......  :-[


Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 08:44:38 PM »
Awesome Durandal! I mentioned this to FMike a while back, but never got around to doing it.  I have bad eyesight and oftentimes I cant see the dudes that are far away.  I always thought this might help.  Let me know if it is helpful and I might try to use it too.  ;D

Offline [DSG]Durandal

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 10:48:21 PM »
hacker.......  :-[

And proud of it!  >:D

Awesome Durandal! I mentioned this to FMike a while back, but never got around to doing it.  I have bad eyesight and oftentimes I cant see the dudes that are far away.  I always thought this might help.  Let me know if it is helpful and I might try to use it too.  ;D

hehe... I was talking to fedoramike while I made this ;)

I don't know how I lived without this anymore. I use the one that goes on the same button as My normal SR8 zoom script so if I want to "zoom" it's already where i normally do it. It feels almost like "iron sights" in games that use them.

Remember... it only drops from 110 fov to 90 fov... so it only zooms if you use greater than 90 anyway... if you already use 90, there's nothing I can script as lower fovs are protected cvars and can't be set. (hehe... I remember having binds for zooms back in quake2 based on fovs).
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Offline FedoraMike

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2010, 01:38:18 AM »
I've considered using this but I would need to get a zoom reset button first :P  Maybe I'll rebind my F key...

Offline inka

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2010, 04:12:50 AM »
lol its useless for me =D i have a fat screen lol
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 04:36:37 AM by inka[1up] »

By Inka[1up]

Offline [DSG]Durandal

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2010, 07:34:53 AM »
lol its useless for me =D i have a fat screen lol

Maybe try laying off the oreos and mt. dew at each meal?

I've considered using this but I would need to get a zoom reset button first :P  Maybe I'll rebind my F key...

You could just bind the reset portions to whatever keys you use to unzoom with now. If you just switch weapons like some people do... just add the variable change; sensitivity; ut_unzoom to each of those... they won't affect anything except the script... so it doesn't really hurt to have them in there if you want to do it that way.

I've gotten more and more into the habit of spending the very minimum of time in scope that I can... only zooming when I need to and back out asap. So I zoom in, reset, zoom in, reset, etc..... which means I need that zoom reset next to the zoom in function.
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Offline FedoraMike

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2010, 02:04:26 PM »
lol its useless for me =D i have a fat screen lol

Maybe try laying off the oreos and mt. dew at each meal?

I've considered using this but I would need to get a zoom reset button first :P  Maybe I'll rebind my F key...

You could just bind the reset portions to whatever keys you use to unzoom with now. If you just switch weapons like some people do... just add the variable change; sensitivity; ut_unzoom to each of those... they won't affect anything except the script... so it doesn't really hurt to have them in there if you want to do it that way.

I've gotten more and more into the habit of spending the very minimum of time in scope that I can... only zooming when I need to and back out asap. So I zoom in, reset, zoom in, reset, etc..... which means I need that zoom reset next to the zoom in function.

I had to make a change to make this work for me... the sensitivity change really messed up my sniping since I normally snipe with a single zoom the lower sensitivity made it impossible.  So I created a toggle to switch between auto and sniper settings  This way when I snipe I'm on sniper, if I pick up and auto I hit a key and i'm in auto mode and vice versa :)

Code: [Select]
set auto_zoom "bind mouse2 vstr fovzoom_mouse; set fovzoom_mouse vstr fovm90; sensitivity .55; set cg_fov 110; set zoom_bind vstr snipe_zoom; ut_echo ^2Automatics"
set snipe_zoom "bind mouse2 ut_zoomin; sensitivity .55; set cg_fov 110; set zoom_bind vstr auto_zoom; ut_echo ^2Snipers"
set zoom_bind "vstr auto_zoom"

Offline [DSG]Durandal

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2010, 04:10:51 PM »
Whatever makes it work hehe. I've had a lot of people say they love the script but that they didn't like the sensitivity settings I chose... *blank stare*... seriously... I keep explaining that these are MY settings and that all they have to do is edit the freaking numbers lol *facepalm*
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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2010, 04:38:47 PM »
Whatever makes it work hehe. I've had a lot of people say they love the script but that they didn't like the sensitivity settings I chose... *blank stare*... seriously... I keep explaining that these are MY settings and that all they have to do is edit the freaking numbers lol *facepalm*

you should never have to adjust the hacks... they should come preset.. gawl  ::)

Offline FedoraMike

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2010, 06:49:42 PM »
Whatever makes it work hehe. I've had a lot of people say they love the script but that they didn't like the sensitivity settings I chose... *blank stare*... seriously... I keep explaining that these are MY settings and that all they have to do is edit the freaking numbers lol *facepalm*

LOL if I didn't edit the sens settings I'd be flinging my mouse around like crazy... mine are .55 and .32 :P

Offline [DSG]Durandal

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Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2010, 12:54:39 AM »
you should never have to adjust the hacks... they should come preset.. gawl  ::)

The ladies seem to like it when I adjust My hacks...  8)
"On a long enough time line, everyone's survival rate drops to zero." -- Tyler Durden


Re: FOV zoom scripts
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2010, 04:25:50 PM »
I have a similiar script ive used for years

bind MOUSE2 "vstr zoom"
set zoom "vstr z1"
set z1 "ut_zoomin;cg_fov 90;set zoom vstr z2"
set z2 "ut_zoomin;cg_fov 110;set zoom vstr z1"
bind MWHEELDOWN "ut_zoomreset;cg_fov 110"

so by doing this i press mouse 2 with any gun besides a scope to goto 90 and press it again to go back to 110 or scroll the mouse wheel backwards.  Mouse 2 is my zoom in for scope aswell, and whell mouse down is zoom reset and fov 110.

I don't use a ut_zoomout just ut_zoomin and ut_zoomreset.