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Author Topic: ut4_1upScience download test  (Read 2149 times)

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Offline kamikaze

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2010, 01:20:10 PM »
Big bunch of screenshots.

[attachment no longer available]
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Offline FedoraMike

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2010, 09:28:42 PM »
The size is a little big for TS, maybe cutoff some areas for that type of game mode.  I actually think this could have some potential as a CTF map.  I like the fact that it's mirrored (no advantage for one side over the other) and has multiple criss-crossing routes that a flag could be taken and cut-off.  Would be interested in how it plays and what others think.

Offline kamikaze

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2010, 11:37:50 PM »
Ya I atleast spent half an hour wandering around this map. I kept finding new stuff :P
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Offline sw00n

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2010, 06:51:27 PM »
i agree with fedora, this would be a great ctf map....but i would also like to see as a TS map with some parts cut out for the TS game-type really good map love it =]

Offline SnKMaddog

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2010, 12:40:19 AM »
The size is a little big for TS, maybe cutoff some areas for that type of game mode.  I actually think this could have some potential as a CTF map.  I like the fact that it's mirrored (no advantage for one side over the other) and has multiple criss-crossing routes that a flag could be taken and cut-off.  Would be interested in how it plays and what others think.

I don't like CTF, but we played CTF in this map for a couple of hours, and it was loads of fun.  Great map for that game mode, IMO.  The flags are at the intersection of the center and outer hall on either side of the map..

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Offline SnKQuaKe

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2010, 05:22:51 PM »
Ive barely started working on the update to the map, Been very busy but I like the idea of blocking off areas for TS. The new update will lower the central room 1 floor, So you will take a staircase down. This will allow me to recreate the central room the way i wanted it to be before I realized you would render the entire map right down the middle (And that snipers could snipe from one flag to the other. That is why there ended up being a large (Pillar) type object there. It was actually an operating table with a hydralic crusher above till i changed it.

Im attempting to give the map slightly more vertical feel at least to keep things interesting. As for the TS version if it is a completely new PK3. I can go larger with the map (File Size) than Bot servers allow, and include automatic sliding doors and probably manual doors @ the observatory etc.

Thanks for the reviews and thanks for being kind to a noob.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 05:33:21 PM by SNKQuaKe[1up] »
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Offline Puss-N-Boots

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2010, 04:01:53 AM »
Played it the other day. Neat idea. I must say, the bots didn't give me much work :D

Only thing I noticed is there was one part (No screenie sorry) inside a doorway (looking left if your walking into the room) there was a texture either caulked or the brush was lined up on too small a grid scale and the game couldn't render it. Either way.. there is one 'invisible' piece.

Offline SnKQuaKe

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Re: ut4_1upScience download test
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2010, 09:03:52 PM »
I will try and hunt that down. I put BotRoams and when i ran bots, They would scatter really well, As soon as the map hit 1up they started following eachother again. I suppose there is a slight chance in my haste to get the map slapped together for Ron, I accidently compiled a version of the map that didnt have the bot roams placed. Who knows, I have like 30 saves of my map at different stages. :P

In version 2.0 I will play around with botroams and see what I can get out of them.
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