Alright, I've decided to post basically all my beliefs. They aren't about how life was created, but more of how it works. Not biologically, but the role of consciousness. Nearly everything I believe about consciousness is from my own thinking, not things I've found elsewhere. I believe that nearly everything has a limited amount of consciousness. People, of course, are conscious. Animals are too, because they can feel pain and think. They are, after all, capable of thought, just not to the same extent as us. Then there's lesser animals, like bees and ants. They think, not even close to our capability or animals' capability, but still have a limited sort of consciousness. Then there's, of course, robots and other sorts of artificial intelligence. They do think: they do it through algorithms and the like, but they operate based on sensory input, just like everything mentioned before. The difference is that they have different drives: they don't care about survival or reproduction. They care about giving the output they were programmed to give. I've never seen any reason to dismiss their consciousness, except for their lack of self awareness. Then again, if we wanted to, we could easily mimic the self awareness of lesser creatures. Anyway, my trouble with consciousness is that there is no clearly defined line. My main belief about consciousness is that everything has it. I believe that it is how our universe is run. It is all run by mathematic equations. Taking in input and spitting out the input: that's how robots are run. I know my beliefs are a bit farfetched at this point, but it makes perfect sense to me. I'm open minded to most things, so please post if you find any issues with my beliefs. I have an entire journal full of things like this, and may consider posting a bit more of them eventually. I had to rephrase it all, because I built all the entries off of others, so you wouldn't have understood it copied and pasted from my journal. Lol.