Contrary to popular belief(Yay for big words!
), my name was not originally symbalized by Michael Jackson's song(It is now though, so feel free to sing all you want. Disclaimer: Not responsible for people laughing at suckish singing) My name was actually from a story I wrote. It was an adventure/horror story, in which the main characters where torchured and picked off by the Thriller. Than I realized, I basicly retold Michael's song's story, in about 70x more detail.
. I didn't start using Thriller in my games intill I tryed to catch my first hacker actually, in Urban Terror. More specificly, the 1up Christmas server. I had always played as TheIronSword. That was my trademark, and still is in most games. But, back to the story, I left the game so I could come back, so I wouldn't seem so suspisios with the, "BenTheKiller joined the spectators". I opened it up and thought, "Hm. What could I make my name that wouldn't bring a lot of attention at first glance?" I thought for about 20 seconds than realized the Notepad program open on my computer. BAM. The name stuck. From that first time I joined with Thriller, it has stuck with me through the ages, and to this day stands as my gaming name. So just remember. I'm not a song. I'm... a Thriller. *thinks* Wow. That's enough typing for a whole new story! Hope this was informative!