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Author Topic: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!  (Read 1090 times)

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Offline Dougy

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Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« on: August 30, 2010, 10:48:09 PM »
Well, you Mac OSX people are going to love this ;)

Basically i made a cool easy script :D

Go into preferences and set your screensaver to "Flurry" then close the prefences.

Then execute my script which should open up terminal, Dont close the terminal until you want it to return to your normal Desktop background.

This is working on my OSX 10.4.11, Don't know about other versions.


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Offline |$|CandyMan

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 10:52:02 PM »
Post a video of what this does. I'd rather see you do it than risk running it on my computer. Besides I have 10.5 so I don't even know if it would work.
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Offline Dougy

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2010, 12:06:14 AM »
Post a video of what this does. I'd rather see you do it than risk running it on my computer. Besides I have 10.5 so I don't even know if it would work.

Yer ok errrm that kinda takes the fun out of seeing it for yourself and this kinda defeats the object of you using it yourself and if i make a video then you will be like oh is that all it does and dont download it so there is no point in making a vid........, ill give it to powermad to test as he aint like you he actually trusts the stuff i make ........... ¬_¬'

and btw 10.5 is practically the same file system as 10.4 and i have 2 macs my other one is on 10.5.8 i think and it runs on there so no worry bout what version its on really.........

And why would there be any sort of risk i made it using a mac and my mac has no viruses as viruses are rare to come across :/

I swear if i does anything bad to your computer you can get Ron to cancel my application .......

But if you cant trust me now then when will you?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 12:08:54 AM by Dougy »

Offline Dougy

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2010, 12:21:17 AM »
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 12:32:32 AM by Dougy »

Offline Dougy

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 12:32:42 AM »
Well theres a screenshot.............

Offline KD197

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2010, 05:17:03 AM »
Does this just make your wallpaper an animated screensaver?

Also, I could easily kill your Mac with a one-liner, so your point about virii is void.
Whilst we all know you, and know you wouldn't intentionally damage someone's computer, don't be complacent just because you have a Mac, and don't run code from untrusted sources unless you know what it does.

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Offline |$|CandyMan

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2010, 08:03:22 AM »
10.4 and 10.5 are very different.

Besides it doesn't need to be a virus to do damage. You could have damaged something unintentionally even.
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Offline Dougy

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2010, 09:50:21 AM »
10.4 and 10.5 are very different.

Besides it doesn't need to be a virus to do damage. You could have damaged something unintentionally even.

Just FKIN TRY IT and stop doubting me fk sake you either wanna see what cool stuff it does or you dont and btw i have read all the change logs between 10.4 and 10.5 and not much really has changed other than minor changes ........ im not dumb

And there is nothing potentially harming as i wrote it in fking terminal and im a noob at doing this so i dont know nothing off of the basics so dont talk b'lox this works on both my macs.............

oh and btw i wrote scripts for powermad and he dont seem to have any problem and i also sent my script to pyrite for reviewing and hes on 10.2

If your gna try it, try it .......... good
If your not then please stop wasting my time ......... KTHXBAI!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 09:52:17 AM by Dougy »

Offline Dougy

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2010, 09:54:30 AM »
Does this just make your wallpaper an animated screensaver?

Also, I could easily kill your Mac with a one-liner, so your point about virii is void.
Whilst we all know you, and know you wouldn't intentionally damage someone's computer, don't be complacent just because you have a Mac, and don't run code from untrusted sources unless you know what it does.

KD what it practically does is makes the "Flurry" Screensaver or any other screensaver but it works best on flurry into you desktop background seeing that candy man is too stubborn i have no gave the secret on what it does away. :D

Offline KD197

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Re: Script that i made MAC OSX ONLY!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2010, 10:31:03 AM »
10.4 and 10.5 are very different.

Besides it doesn't need to be a virus to do damage. You could have damaged something unintentionally even.

Just FKIN TRY IT and stop doubting me fk sake you either wanna see what cool stuff it does or you dont and btw i have read all the change logs between 10.4 and 10.5 and not much really has changed other than minor changes ........ im not dumb

And there is nothing potentially harming as i wrote it in fking terminal and im a noob at doing this so i dont know nothing off of the basics so dont talk b'lox this works on both my macs.............

oh and btw i wrote scripts for powermad and he dont seem to have any problem and i also sent my script to pyrite for reviewing and hes on 10.2

If your gna try it, try it .......... good
If your not then please stop wasting my time ......... KTHXBAI!
CandyMan is right, it doesn't need to be a virus to do damage.
Nothing potentially harming "because you wrote it in a terminal and you're a noob at doing it"? That's the kind of thing CandyMan is describing - if you don't know what you're doing you could unintentionally damage vital files.

Also, curb your language please, there's no need to swear at people and generally be offensive over it, especially as all CandyMan is doing is being cautious over code that he has no idea what it does, which he is justified in being so.

You can actually run stuff from a terminal and close the terminal without the process ending by appending "&" after the command, then issuing "disown". "&" backgrounds the task allowing you to retain use of the terminal, and "disown" does exactly what it sounds like. So you can run (for example) "firefox &" then "disown" then close the terminal, and firefox will persist. I'd assume this works for Mac too.

EDIT: Found this on a Google search:
Code: [Select]
display dialog "Select the desktop background type:" buttons {"Cancel", "Normal", "ScreenSaver"}
if button returned of result = "ScreenSaver" then
do shell script "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
tell application "System Events"
if process "ScreenSaverEngine" exists then tell application "ScreenSaverEngine" to quit
end tell
end if
It's an AppleScript that does the same thing. The command that actually sets the background as the current screensaver is
Code: [Select]
/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background
The rest is just a nice wrapper for it.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 11:38:14 AM by KD197 »

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"yeah, I googled "mod reveal 67" to find out what it does and the top links were from 1up" - SlimPickins[1up]