@ Curby[1up],
You never asked for an avatar or banner, but if you want, you can use these.
I used this website image for a reference.\
http://my.opera.com/Nplus/blog/2011/06/22/kirby-on-tvIncluded is the avatar, banner, .xcf for both and the fonts used. Matrix font, and Matrix code, as well as the reference image.
I know the kirby is spelled differently, but it sounded the same...
Edit: I forgot one thing. The matrix code says this: "If you can read this, you can read the Matrix code"
I got the idea from your profile about using Google translator.
Here is the final result before resizing for avatar and banner.
Edit #2: Here you go Curby... Direct Links with code to use.
[img alt="ns"]http://imageshack.us/a/img442/7822/curbybanner500x150.png[/img]