face plam ^-Education,common sense,working brain fail.
At this very moment I'm doing an assignment on road safety.
Ok the pwning of trainwreck begins.
(point 1) OMG OMG OMG WEED KILLS BRAIN CELLS -Just look at you nuff said
(point 2) "over a 5 year of taking weed doctors found out that the person iq was higher"
Where is the evidence to this research post link. If it exists did they follow correct scientific procedure,test many people, didn't tell them they were studying how weed Affects IQ.
(point 3)"tell me how many deaths happen when drunk?" dude they are both as bad. If you are blind drunk or sky high blinded inside the clouds you still gunna get owned by a light pole.
(point 4)"tell me how many deaths happen when drunk?" Its hard to tell because this post has no grammar,or sentence sturcture you were probly smoking some right as you were typing but. I think you mean why isnt alcohol banned? Well alcohol doesnt ruin peoples live like controlled substances. I dont know but I've rarely seen it in AUS but apparently in America you can walk down the street of a major city and often see some stoney living in the gutter. Alcohol also does this but no where near as much as drugs do.
(point 5)"omg omg lung cancer" Your inhaling burning ash you dick head, how dumb are you?
(point 6)hahahhahaha that was really funny but im not gunna post Becuase it will only start a arguement
(point 7)Points (
to (6354) were cancelled due to the writers lazyness it would take me a year to point out 100% of your stupidity.