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Author Topic: Define a Clan  (Read 5440 times)

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2010, 12:31:22 AM »
I think I have started a debate that is going wrong.

My apologies... please delete if necessary

Offline sniper#420[1up]

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2010, 12:34:29 AM »
as far as the servers and vent yea [BF] does have them getting a new 1 in a few days. but there was no ftw anywhere intill after i was kicked. i had planed on playing ftw with 1up EVERYBODY ELSE IS IN BONER FORCE IS IN A CLAN!!!!!!
and ron you said in my email that you look at the web site and the xfire page. but then in the forum you said you where told. do you even know any thing about this at all? or our you just moving blind?

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooool

Offline sniper#420[1up]

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2010, 12:45:48 AM »
1up will determine in its sole discretion whether someone is running a clan for the purposes of apply our prohibition on dual-clan policy.

you could also recognize: (I don't know that all of these 420's know each other)
Boner#420[formerly 1up]

Does it have to have {}, (), [], or other special characters surrounding the common letters to be considered a tag?

Personally I have shut down the part of my website that is clan related and only keep it because of the fact that I have servers and there needs to be an outlet for information regarding them. I also will remain wearing the [BN] in front of my name simply because I have servers but I no longer consider BN as a clan... how about everyone else... is it still a clan this way?
sry but i will tell all to kiss my ...b4 i take off the 420.

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2010, 01:24:18 AM »
I think I have started a debate that is going wrong.

My apologies... please delete if necessary

no i find this interesting. I applaud you for this topic.

Look how people treat their inferiors, not their superiors.

Offline RonaldLee[1up]

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2010, 01:29:36 AM »
as far as the servers and vent yea [BF] does have them getting a new 1 in a few days. but there was no ftw anywhere intill after i was kicked. i had planed on playing ftw with 1up EVERYBODY ELSE IS IN BONER FORCE IS IN A CLAN!!!!!!
and ron you said in my email that you look at the web site and the xfire page. but then in the forum you said you where told. do you even know any thing about this at all? or our you just moving blind?

1up determined that you formed a clan, Boner, and that meant you could no longer be in 1up. And to restate the position here:

1up will determine in its sole discretion whether someone is running a clan for the purposes of applying our prohibition on dual-clan policy.


Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2010, 02:03:54 AM »
Define a Clan. the way i define a clan is by the xfire page. if it said clan its a clan if it said cult it a cult. but thats not what at hand here as the higher ups in 1up have made up there mind that boner force  is a clan. it is there right to do so. i just want everybody to know i am not the bad guy. i had planned on being in 1up for a long time. now that this is done lets go shoot somebody


Offline ColdBlooded

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2010, 11:11:20 AM »
Your only a clan if you have the [1up] tag, otherwise your just wannabes :P

i like this! +1
Making a new start! :)

Offline SnKMaddog

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2010, 07:09:02 PM »
This thread is good because I know that several have had questions about this in the past.

Now I am not trying to start trouble here so this is an example you might remember I brought up in my application:

This was an example of "a group of people who recognize each other and adorn a special identification tag" i.e. "SNK" at the beginning of their names.

SnK IS NOT A CLAN.  We don't have a website.  We don't have servers.  We don't compete together.  We don't intentionally play on the same team when we're in a server together.  We don't have an SnK xFire group.  We're all good friends and/or family in the real world.  The SnK "tag" merely exists to acknowledge that fact.  It does not signify unity in action.  Where one SnK goes or what they do does not dictate the actions of the others.  Additionally, the SnK "tag" is not something that only we can wear.  Anyone could wear it.  They don't though, out of respect for us.  I personally appreciate that respect.  But at the same time, I always remember that since we aren't a clan, I can't stop anyone else who would choose to don the name.

By contrast, myself and most other 1ups have heard you on Vent talking about [BN], which you often acknowledge as a clan, of which you state yourself to be the leader and founder.  You have a website.  You have members.  You have servers that carry the clan name.  [BN] and SnK are not the same thing, and arguing that they are is asinine. 

I like you [BN] guys.  Its nice having you around.  But when it comes to you applying here, its pretty hard to dismiss the facts and your own prior statements.  If you want to prove that [BN] is no longer a clan, get rid of the website, servers, etc.  Then lets talk.

Just my $0.02
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 07:31:52 PM by SnKMaddog[1up] »

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2010, 06:32:20 AM »
By contrast, myself and most other 1ups have heard you on Vent talking about [BN], which you often acknowledge as a clan, of which you state yourself to be the leader and founder.  You have a website.  You have members.  You have servers that carry the clan name.  [BN] and SnK are not the same thing, and arguing that they are is asinine. 

I like you [BN] guys.  Its nice having you around.  But when it comes to you applying here, its pretty hard to dismiss the facts and your own prior statements.  If you want to prove that [BN] is no longer a clan, get rid of the website, servers, etc.  Then lets talk.

Just my $0.02

Once again you are mistaken since this thread has nothing to do with my application nor is it a comparison of [BN] and SNK. Calling me asinine is asinine and unnecessary since this was a public debate and name calling is not part of the legitimate process.

A clan can be a group of people who recognize each other and adorn a special identification tag. No server or web or voip is actually required to form and maintain that agreement.

EDIT by RonaldLee[1up]:

@ BN,
If you want to quote me in-context then let it be reminded here that:

1up will determine in its sole discretion whether someone is running a clan for the purposes of applying our prohibition on dual-clan policy.

EDIT by PsYc0TiC:

@ Ron,

That is the third time you have said that and it still has nothing to do with this debate.. This is a debate not a flame-fest or personal attack thread nor is it a plea for equality. you have made yourself perfectly clear on your position.

I have followed the guidelines to the letter but I cannot say that about all who have replied. maddog's response was personal in nature and contrary to the guidelines that are set forth by you as a whole and are not fitting to what a debate is about. This thread was not started to appeal any decisions made regarding my application nor was it to poke a stick at anyone regarding what happened with Boner, yet some replies are pointing in that direction rather than discussing to yay's or nay's of particulars that define a clan which WAS the topic Title. And to take away my measly single karma point in the process of using this as a personal flame post was even more childish.

I will not respond to this thread anymore since I did ask for it to be removed before this childish behavior started and it is obvious that some have the wrong impression as to the nature of this thread.

Sorry I brought it up

« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 10:16:09 PM by PsYc0TiC »

Offline SnKMaddog

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2010, 12:08:02 AM »
Psycotic, why do you always take things personally?  Re-read my post.  Nothing about it is personal in nature.  You even took this personally:

[BN] and SnK are not the same thing, and arguing that they are is asinine. 

Did I call you asinine?  Absolutely not.  I said that making such an argument would be asinine.  Just because I'm not stupid doesn't mean I can't do or say something stupid.  Come on now.  You take EVERYTHING as a personal attack.  Then you come back at me calling ME asinine.  Crazy.

I have to question this comment from you:

Once again you are mistaken since this thread has nothing to do with my application nor is it a comparison of [BN] and SNK.

This seems odd since your application was dismissed due to your being the founder and maintainer of [BN].  The timing makes it even more apparent.  Shortly after your application was dismissed, this thread was started.  You yourself made the comparison between SnK and [BN], not only in this thread, but also in your application.  How after all that do you try to say that there is zero relation between this thread and your application denial, or that this thread has nothing to do with comparing SnK and [BN]?  From where I'm sitting, it has everything to do with that.  There's no way that this is all an unrelated coincidence, especially given the events of late.

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2010, 12:34:42 AM »
<3 SnK
<3 [1up]
<3 RonaldLee

- I will always walk beside you. Never in front. Never behind. -


Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2010, 07:12:00 AM »

regardless of the coincidental timing.... I reiterate that this had nothing to do with that application as I have stated. Even though I shouldn't have to explain myself.... I had been noticing a bunch of different apparent clans or clan like groups playing on my servers as well as others but either couldn't find a website, servers or they said they weren't clans and I wanted to come here and see what this larger community thought about what the makeup of a clan was. However this went terribly wrong as it seems every thread I start does.

I have the solution. I said I wouldn't respond to this thread anymore and I did anyway but I will refrain from any more posts period since they never remain civil.

Later guys... had fun

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2010, 07:50:30 AM »
PsYc0TiC, don't pµssy out on us, you did start a "debate" topic in the appropriate "debate" section of the website.  :D
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Offline RonaldLee[1up]

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2010, 09:16:29 AM »
@ PsYc0TiC,

Hey, I appreciate your topic. I only edited your post to be clear that no matter what any other person defines a clan as --1up will still make its own judgment as to whether a particular group of people are a clan for the purposes of applying our own 1up prohibition against dual-clan affiliation. My response was not personal at all.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 10:42:51 AM by RonaldLee[1up] »

Offline Gemma

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Re: Define a Clan
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2010, 09:48:39 AM »
From a distance, and with unbiased perspective, in regard to content and timing, the entire thread seemed to have clearly had an agenda.  Intentional or not, the message seemed clear and strait to the punch.   It seemed like kindof a rhetorical, albeit sheepish attempt at simulating a confrontation, without actually going full-bore with it, reserving the right to back-out as the title of the topic was so innocent and defensible. 

Just my $0.02. Notice how I said 'seemed', several times.