10 ways you can increase your accuracy:
Accuracy is crucial in FPS and Urban Terror is no exception, especially with such a fast gameplay. You will increase your accuracy as long as you play but here are some tips wich might be very helpful if you are a beginner but also you can find some intresting tips also if you are a more experienced player.
Let’s get some more headshots!
1. Change your crosshair settings
Your crosshair is very important. Many players will tell you to choose the dot and to choose it as small as possible. Unfortunatly the dot can’t give you feedback about the accuracy of the weapon you are carrying, especially when you are shooting. Choose instead a crosshair that resizes its arms depending on the current accuracy. Refer to Don’s post about hud settings to choose the correct crosshair.
2. Shoot in small bursts
If you use a crosshair that gives you feedback about the current accuracy you will notice that almost every weapon looses accuracy even with a very small burst. The longer the burst the less accurate it will be. Also you have to wait a bit after shooting to let your aim recover as you will notice by your crosshair.
3. Try Semi-Automatic once in a while
Another training method is to play once in a while with semi-automatic. This means you will shoot just one bullet every time you click the fire button. This will make your shoots more accurate but also will force you to adjust the aim more often, just like when you shoot with the DE or the Beretta. When you will get back to full Automatic you will naturally make shorter bursts and you will adjust aim more often and fundamentally hit more bad guys.
4. Adjust your aim settings
We didn’t covered them up yet but there are a lot of aim settings that you can set via console and configurations files. If you aren’t familiar with them just consider sensitivity for now. Try lower the sensitivity as far as you can.
To see how high is your current sensitivity just type \sensitivity in the console. It will give you back the current value. I used to play with a drammatically high value and i lowered it a lot. I lowered it about 7 or 8 points less than what I had previously and helped me a lot.
By doing that you will make more wide movements with your mouse to let’s say turn corners and walljumping but you will have more control on both moving and still targets. However a post about aim settings is coming, so don’t worry.
5. Use the Remington Sr-8
I can’t tell you how much the Sr-8 helped me to increase my accuracy. Not with the Sr-8 itself but with all the other weapons. Why?
Well if you are a beginner with the Sr-8 you will find yourself hitting rarely and being killed a lot. Fail will help you. One of the fastest way to take down a sniper is to rush on him as Tarquin pointed out in his post. If you see somebody rushing on you you will likely pull out your secondary weapon or your sidearm. As we pointed out secondaries are not that accurate and sidearms are quite hard to use. Using the Sr-8 will force you to use both secondaries and sidearms a lot and since they are not so accurate you will adjust your aim more often to take down some bad guys. Probably this will get you a bad score but don’t worry. When you will get back to autos you will naturally have a better aim and also you will learn to use perhaps one of the most powerful weapons in Urban Terror wich is the Sr-8.
6. Aim at corners and hiding spots
When you walk don’t point your weapon at the floor. Not even right in front of you. You should always point your gun at where you think that enemies will come out: corners, hiding spots and so on. This is very important since you will spend less time adjusting your aim to shoot at enemies. This ability will come along as you get familiar with the maps and as you play.
7. Think about what you are doing
Be councious of what you are doing. When you face an enemy not just shoot but mentally stop for a second and think.
Counciously think: «Ok I’m facing an enemy, I must look for an headshot/I must shoot at his torso». Aim for the torso or head (better). Also consider your opponent’s equipment. If you see that he has helmet and no kevlar just aim for the torso instead of trying the headshot. If you are getting too much legs shots that means that you are aiming too low. Being aware of what you are doing will make you focused. And with better focus comes better aim.
8. Try the Counter-Strike Method
As explained in this post, the Counter-Strike method will help increase your accuracy and creativity.
9. Watch your movements
To avoid bullets often players tend to jump sideways. This might be helpful but especially when you are out of stamina or you have your legs bleeding this might be very hard. Try instead to move sideways randomly. Also depending on your weapon consider moving towards your opponent to have better shots (for example you have to be at point-blank distance to deal high damage with the SPAS).
10. Training
Aim is one of those things that will come along with time. If you are very talented (or you have a lot of time to waste play) you might get this skill very quickly. In other cases it might take time, but the more you play the more you will increase your accuracy and skills.
Have some more tips? Tell us in your comments! These comments might go in a future post about some more tips about aim and accuracy!