I was in my old clan, -i[T]. Infinity Teams with ZoD, and they had a zombie mod. 1up and C9 were our competition at the time, and we were like, the least popular zombie mods of the three. eventually, i got in trouble with a uaa server for tking other players, and my clan founder didnt like me so much. after some remodeling, every player that was in -i[T]. had to reapply because it was hard to tell who was still around and who has dissapeared. So as i said, my clan's founder didnt like me that much and another high ranked leader thought i was too young, (12 then) and denied my re-app. so i came and apped for 1up, cuz i loved the community and the servers, and the people.
then ZoD followed me x_______x (stalker)
yea so thats my story