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Author Topic: Flame[1up]'s 3D Modeling Tutorial Part #2-UV Texturing and Advanced Model Making  (Read 3504 times)

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Offline Flame[1up]

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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to the 2nd part of my tutorial

This tutorial will cover-
Advanced Model Making
UV Unwrapping
UV Texturing

In this tutorial I will be using Blender 2.58

So load up your Blender and get Ready to go

Advanced Model Making:

now what will we be making today you may be asking,

the answer to that would be a vase.

When the Default Scene loads,

Select(right click) the center cube and Delete it.

Now Add a Circle(Add->Mesh->Circle)

Now Make the Circle only have 10 Vertices

Now onto the Structure :D

Select your newly made Circle and go into Edit Mode.

now you will notice that every vertex of your circle is now movable and selectable
You could reshape the Circle if you wanted to, but since we are making a vase we dont need to.

Now push A (Select/Deselect all) and make all the vertices selected

also this is a circle we are just looking at the edge of it, if you want to see the circle's face go to Top View(numpad 7)

Now go to Front View(numpad 1) if Not already there(Numpad 1) and you should be looking at the edge of the Circle.

now we will Want to Extrude this Circle(with all vertices selected, hit the E key)
Now hold the Ctrl key(snap to grid) and drag it up to a 1 for z value.

Now with the top still selected Scale it to a value of 1.5(S key then type 1.5)

Now Extrude this and drag it up to a 1 for Z (yes its kind of a repeat :P)

We dont need to Scale this one so keep it as it is.
Then Extrude this Layer up 1 Z.

and scale it by a value of .9 (S key then type .9)

now get that top layer but this time while extruding keep it at the same excact position.

now move it up the Z axis by .25 (G Key(move)+Z key(Z axis)+type in .25)

and Scale it to about 1.2(S key+type in 1.2).

Now it looks like your done but your actually not,
go into Top View(Numpad 7)
you will notice the hole through the bottom of your vase.
now go into Front View (Numpad 1)
Now deselect the Solid Select Button

and select the 4 vertices on the left side of the hole

and hit the Make Face key (F key)
now select the 4 vertices on the left side of the NEW hole

and hit the F key

now select the 4 vertices on the left side of the hole(your almost there!)

and hit the F key

now select the last 4 vertices of the hole(your there!)

and hit the F key

Now you have your vase :D, but arent vases usually alot smoother?
So what do we do
We Add a Modifier!
Go back to Object Mode

And go to the Modifier Properties

and then hit "Add a Modifier".

and choose Subdivision Surface.

Your Vase Should look alot Smoother

now You are done with your Advanced Model,now your vase needs Decor.

UV Unwrapping and UV Texturing:
UV Texturing is the proccess of putting a 2D picture onto a 3D Surface.
So Off We Go

Here is the UV Texture we will be applying
so go ahead and download it
now go into Edit Mode and Select all the Vertices but the ones at the Top

Then Go Change Your Properties Window to a UV Image Window

and then hit U and hit Unwrap.

now load up the Image

and you should end up with this

now since this isnt the rim of the vase we dont want it decorated, we want it plain black.
so Scale the Faces in the UV editor by clicking the UV window than hitting S to a small size

and move them (G key) to the black area (upper left)

now go into Face Selection Mode

and Deselect All(A key)
Now Select one of the Upper Faces

now go to your UV window and click the little picture Icon

and hit VaseUV.jpg
By the way if you havent already you might want to go into Texture Mode.

Now Back to The UV Window, Scale(S Key) the Square by .5(type .5) and Move (G Key) it onto one of the 3 designs

Now Repeat for the Rest of the Faces(Dont worry if one appears invisible we will fix that(UV Texture it still))
When Done With all the Upper Faces please Continue
You Should now have something like this

Now what about those Invisible Faces?

here is the Solution
push A(select all)
and hit E(extrude)
and move it down .001 Z (G key+Z key+.001)
and scale it by 1.001
now hit select all then go to Mesh->Normals->Recalculate Inside
Now to put the UV texture on a material so Blender can Render it
Change Your UV Window into a Properties Window
Go to the Materials Panel

and hit New
Then go to your Texture Panel

Hit New
and where it says type put it to Image or Movie.
and then in the Image Section Load up the UV vase texture
and in the Mapping Section put your Coordinates to UV
now your Done :D
go into Camera View(Numpad 0) if not already in it and hit F12 to Render

this was my Result(yes I messed around with some lighting :P
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 12:43:49 AM by Flame[1up] »

Offline TurbanError

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How do you export as an md3 model/texture for urt to use?

Offline Flame[1up]

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well it depends on the version of Blender you have

1.Download the Attatched Files
2.Put them in your  "\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\" folder(might be a little different)
3.Restart Blender
4.Select the wanted mesh and hit File>Export>.md3
*Note i would suggest you have Python 2.6 or 2.7 installed*
I have not figured this out yet >.>

Offline TurbanError

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I have not figured this out yet >.>

You and me both.  Textures and the qc file is what I need/want to learn more about.

Offline Dougy

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ive figured it all out, ill tell u when i get my internet back

Offline Flame[1up]

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I have not figured this out yet >.>

You and me both.  Textures and the qc file is what I need/want to learn more about.
The script doesnt work cause they took out the Blender module in the 2.5 series, so someone would have to go through and rewrite that using the bpy module and no Blender module