lol i like the color thing flame
but egos right that would be agreat camping spot for humans, i do think someone with ok mapping knowledge and plays alot of zombies should try to, my suggestion is find some badass maps that would be great for the humans then get permission from the maker to modify it to be an equal ballance, idk if you have this map in your cycle but "ramell" i believe its called? that is a big draw/human map, so many places human can camp yet it might take like 20+ obstacles to get there get permission from who ever made it and modify it! the classic "ok" equal zombie map i like is terrorism 6, the thing about terrorism 6 is that if you dont get to a spot first your dead basicly. make some changes expand the map! mor spots and more ways to get there, like that spot on the building theres only 1 way to get up there and if you fail the chump and which you most likely will since the human can just unleash a mag of psg or DE. but i dont know if you see whrere im hitting at so im basicly saying equaler maps, all the maps these days its either zombie wins like all the time or the humans wins all the time or draws.