Building Basic Shapes The next shape will be a simple cylinder. You can use this brush for columns or for connecting beams. I'll be applying a lighting effect to this one that may look familiar from the game it'self. Start by just making a basic rectangle and with the brush still selected go ahead and go to the tool bar and select 'curve' then 'cylinder'. As usual the patch will face upward. Select the texture you want. I've used 'teslacoil3' from the 'sfx' folder. Hit 'ctrl+n' to line up the texture over the stretched surface. Now it's time to cover the ends of the cylinder. With the object still selected go to 'curve' then 'cap' and finally 'normal'. You can apply a different texture to the endcaps if you wish. Hit 'esc' to deselect the brush and your'e done. Save, compile, launch the game and check out the final results.