ut_dogleg-a2.pk3 is a HUGE improvement over -a1... here is what I have done :
1. covered the bridges... a simple thing but a great improvement.
2. relocated the spawn points and added a couple bot_wander's and campsites just in case.
3. applied the hybrid sunset sky texture... that makes the map easier to look at.
4. added a couple brushes to eliminate spawn sniping from across the map.
things to do:
1. the lights need attention.
2. add a few cuts to the base of each flagroom to add to playability.
3. add bot-wanders to the lowest level.
4. change / add boxes to increase playability.
5. fix any glitches that are discovered during playtesting.
6. add bot info for capture the flag (right now they won't try anything).
I have run many tests with 8bot.cfg and clanbot.cfg and it is rare for the TDM score spread to exceed 5 points and there is action all over the map during FFA and TDM. I think this map is at least as fun as bottle or battlefield.
Maybe I could talk the admin into giving me a few hours rotation time somewhere
you know, just to generate some feedback.
as always lemme know if there are any problems or if you have ANY suggestions / complaints or whatever.
TIA for your time.