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Offline Gemma

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #150 on: October 06, 2010, 05:55:47 PM »
  Space is not 'nothing' because even in space, time passes.  No matter where you are, or how far out you go, you are still under the influence of gravity

Quick question... what about like the time before the big bang... when everything was probably in a state of nothing did time pass?

Just curious :)

time, and all OTHER dimentions, did not exist.  This is nothing. Now you're getting it.  ;) Theres problems with your question though.  First of all, there was no 'time' or 'before' the big bang.  I know thats hard. Don't try too hard.
Also, nothing is not 'everything', and therefor 'when' is out of context completely.  I know, I know its really difficult.

Trip out on this captain. Just a weird popcorn kernal I found in my brain here a while back.  Did you know that the amount of energy the human body/mind uses does not equal what we put into it?  That there is some sort of little power-plant that drives us each day?  Did you know that the human body weighs approximately 12 grams less post mortem? Nobody knows the reason behind either of these phenomena. 

What if our...*ahem* 'ghost' (for simplicity's sake) is like a little fusion reactor. Much like a star, its our little 'motor' if you will? So, when we die, is it possible that it collapses much like a star does? Where does it go? Think about the beach-ball thing again.. Theres only one direction it can go! 
Think about it. Chew slowly.

Offline Gemma

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #151 on: October 06, 2010, 06:01:17 PM »
Okay, this is the part where I drop out of the conversation.  Captain asked 'how can something come from nothing?'
No idea, my friend.  I've no idea, no opinion, and frankly, I'm just not smart enough to even begin to answer that.

I will say this:

This takes us back to the earlier part of Mine and Casper's talk about 'the reason'.  Remember when I said our human intellect cannot comprehend such things?  Don't break a blood vessel guys.

-Gemma, out.

Offline Casper

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #152 on: October 06, 2010, 06:04:50 PM »
-Gemma, out.
NOES!!!! need... more... popcorn...

Offline Gemma

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #153 on: October 06, 2010, 06:13:29 PM »
haha, i modified the post i made in regard to captains question regarding the big bang and such. (which, btw, I don't even subscribe to the big-bang)

Read the part where I was talking about 'our little power-plant' and get back to me.  Don't get the kernels stuck in your teeth!

Offline CaptainTrips

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #154 on: October 06, 2010, 06:16:54 PM »
Thank you kind sir...

Let us get into philosophy?

Is the person I am now the same person I was last year?


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Offline Gemma

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #155 on: October 06, 2010, 06:51:30 PM »
Thank you kind sir...

Let us get into philosophy?

Is the person I am now the same person I was last year?

technically, not completely.  I forget the actual statistic, but its something like every 4 years, every single cell in your body has been destroyed, and subsequently replaced with a new one..  Although, I'm not really into this kind of thinking..  I'm more of the 'all my mistakes and scars make me what I am' kinda guy. . .

Offline Casper

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #156 on: October 08, 2010, 09:24:16 PM »
Thank you kind sir...

Let us get into philosophy?

Is the person I am now the same person I was last year?

technically, not completely.  I forget the actual statistic, but its something like every 4 years, every single cell in your body has been destroyed, and subsequently replaced with a new one..  Although, I'm not really into this kind of thinking..  I'm more of the 'all my mistakes and scars make me what I am' kinda guy. . .
Well, it doesnt really matter if your the same person, when you think about it. We are made by a combination of memories and instinct. Hell, if someone could alter our memories, they could mold us to however they like. Actually, i just had a realization. If consciousness does indeed come from interactions... then every second, we probably have a different "consciousness". our memories create the illusion that we reamin exactly the same, when we are actually changing constantly.

Offline CaptainTrips

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #157 on: October 09, 2010, 09:55:18 AM »
even though you have a different consciousness aren't you still yourself?

I remember hearing someone say.

The you who you will die as, is the only you who ever was.


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Offline Casper

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #158 on: October 09, 2010, 10:38:59 AM »
even though you have a different consciousness aren't you still yourself?

I remember hearing someone say.

The you who you will die as, is the only you who ever was.
Your memories create the illusion of constant consciousness. Your mind could have been just placed into your body, but if your memories are those of your body, then you would think you always occupied your body

Offline serialman

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #159 on: October 18, 2010, 12:51:25 AM »
Personally, i believe in darwinism. God is only something that the human mind has created. Dont jump all over me though, i believe that there is some sort of higher being, some stuff just cant be explained by science. But i also believe that the big-bang isnt the best theory out there. Another thought, if it doesnt make sense for the universe to be created from absolutely nothing, then how does it make sense that God just happens to be here to make a planet? Shouldnt something have happened to make Him?
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Offline SnKMaddog

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #160 on: October 18, 2010, 02:08:53 AM »
Personally, i believe in darwinism. God is only something that the human mind has created. Dont jump all over me though, i believe that there is some sort of higher being, some stuff just cant be explained by science. But i also believe that the big-bang isnt the best theory out there. Another thought, if it doesnt make sense for the universe to be created from absolutely nothing, then how does it make sense that God just happens to be here to make a planet? Shouldnt something have happened to make Him?

Darwin believed in God, and discredited his own theory.  :)

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Offline Gemma

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #161 on: October 18, 2010, 11:08:22 AM »
Personally, i believe in darwinism. God is only something that the human mind has created. Dont jump all over me though, i believe that there is some sort of higher being, some stuff just cant be explained by science. But i also believe that the big-bang isnt the best theory out there. Another thought, if it doesnt make sense for the universe to be created from absolutely nothing, then how does it make sense that God just happens to be here to make a planet? Shouldnt something have happened to make Him?

Darwin believed in God, and discredited his own theory.  :)

Also, here we go with that 'him' thing again. 
Basic prinicipals of evolution don't have to discredit Christianity at all.  Christianity has more to do with Jesus than god anyways.  Frankly, the bible shouldn't be interpreted by 'normal' people at all, since it was transcribed from hebrew and arabic, to latin, and subsequently butchered by the roman catholic church, only to end up on our plates some 1200 years later for 'normal' people to derive 'facts' regarding its passages, which, ironically have more to do with his disciples than he himself? [Jesus] I think not. . .  In my own right, I am a Christian, because I believe in Christ.  (btw, what year is it?)

This doesn't make me a creationist either.  See, I think this kind of 'band-wagoning' is, [next to over-population]
the greatest problem that man faces.  At some point, people have lost the ability to think for themselves, and to trust in their hearts.
In regard to 'what came before god' and all this voodoo, I refer to Revelations 1:8:

'I am alpha and Omega.  I am the beginning, and the end' saith the Lord God, he who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

See, its all in interpretation.  One must understand that this wasn't written in English, nor in Latin.  There wasn't back then to transcribe it either.  It was interpreted, understood, and then transcribed.  Terms like 'he' 'she' 'who' 'I' and even 'said' or 'saith' need be understood with a grain of salt.   i.e. think for yourself.

Offline Gemma

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #162 on: October 18, 2010, 11:11:00 AM »
Dammit.  I told myself I wasn't going to post anything regarding my own beliefs..  Aw well.. Start your flame-throwers I guess. . .  :yawn:

Offline serialman

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #163 on: October 18, 2010, 08:06:45 PM »
Ok, so i got pretty much shredded up there. Lol i need more facts on this subject to really make a good opinion since im a little ignorant, dont i? Haha ok, im fine with that  :P
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Offline Pyrite[1up]

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Re: God Vs. Something Else
« Reply #164 on: October 18, 2010, 08:29:42 PM »
Frankly, the bible shouldn't be interpreted by 'normal' people at all, since it was transcribed from hebrew and arabic, to latin, and subsequently butchered by the roman catholic church, only to end up on our plates some 1200 years later for 'normal' people to derive 'facts' regarding its passages, which, ironically have more to do with his disciples than he himself?

Actually it is translated not transcribed, from Hebrew, and Aramaic (not Arabic), and finally Greek as a set, into each language. A common misconception is that the Bible was translated from one language to another and from that language to another, on down the line. It is not. Each translation is translated from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. For example, the New American Standard is not a translation of the New King James. Secondly, the Bible should be interpreted by "normal" people, as it was written for man to understand god. Why would god give man a cryptic message that only a few can understand? It is quite clear since the protestant reformation that it is god's will for each human to know god personally. Granted, several thousand years did go by while the law, that is the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the bible) were told orally from generation to generation rather than in writing before the first written accounts appear on stone tablets in cuneiform writing. Although since Jesus walked the earth some thousand years or more after, I think he would have pointed out any differences. Jesus' disciples quotes verses from the Torah in Greek many thousand years later, but appear to have quoted them perfectly as we can see from the dead sea scrolls discovered just this last century.

One last thing, Bibles were "transcribed", but only before Gutenberg invented the printing press :)

Heh, but what do I care, I don't believe any of that bull**** anyway :)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 08:34:48 PM by Pyrite[1up] »
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