Creating in-game support When you first load a map in Q3A there's an image of the map with the title and maybe a little info on the level it'self. You can do this as well with your custom maps by simply capturing a screen shot of your map while playing it on your machine. By hitting the 'f11' key while the game is running it will write a .tga file to the 'screenshots' folder in baseq3 within the Quake 3 directory. You'll need a basic graphics editor such as Paint Shop Pro or Adobe's PhotoShop. You can get a demo of Paint Shop here. Below is an example of a screen shot that has been touched up and converted to a .jpg to conserve space.
A nice touch is to add a map name or even include a link to a website if you've got one. Make sure the image has the exact same name as your map. Save the image in a folder called 'levelshots' and place the folder in your baseq3 directory within Quake 3. You can also include the folder with a .pk3 so that when downloaded others will see the same image when installed. Here's a link to the tutorial that goes into detail on .pk3 files.
This is what the player will see while the map loads. Once again it just adds a nice touch to your map and gives it more of an authentic feel.