Volumetric Fog Full volumetric fog is deffinately a frame hog and will take twice as long to compile. Be certain that if your actually going to use it make sure that it is the primary focus of the room. Now your going to fill an entire room with the fog effect. Once again select the floor brush and hit the space bar to clone the brush and line it up with the floor. Don't actually fill the entire space with the brush but only the visible range to reduce the actual size of the brush. In the shot below you can see an outside shot of the bounding box with the new brush going only up to the visible range of a player within the room. Then go up to the textures option and select 'sfx' again and choose any of the 'fog' textures that fullfills the desired effect within the room. Once the texture is selected you'll see the new brush with 'fog' written all over it. Save the map, compile, and launch the game. Below you can see the veiw from an adjacent room and from above the new brush showing the fog line. A teleporter model is used to demonstrate the visual effects of your new brush. Here is another veiw actually inside of the brush directly in front of the teleporter. The fog textures come in a variety of colors and densities that you'll have to experiment with. Play around with these options to get the effect just right. Ooooooo, spooky!