Using Liquids Once the new brush is created and the lava texture is applied, it's time to make it sting. Make another brush with the exact width and length as the lava but only make it a couple of units thick. Make sure it's resting right on top of the lava brush and use the 'trigger' texture to cover it. This can be found in the 'common' section of your texture menu. With the texture applied and the brush still selected right-click on the wireframe window and choose 'trigger' then 'trigger_hurt'. Hit the 'n' key to bring up the entity menu and in the key field enter 'dmg' and in the value field enter '20' This will cause the player to take twenty health points every second contact is made with the lava. If you want instant death just increase the value to 200 since it's the maximum health status. 'Trigger_hurt' is also used in hell fog or the killing abyss in space maps. You can use it on any kind of brush. Above You can see the joy of standing in a cool tub of water and the agony of lava. Ouch!