Your first room continued... Now it's time to put some textures on this bad boy. Go Ahead and deselect the box and have a look inside. The blue and black images are the default when a texture hasn't been selected yet. Now let's put something on the floor. Go up to the textures option on the tool bar and select base_floor. Once the textures load you'll see them appear in the textures window. Now select the floor brush in the 3D window and once highlighted with red, move the mouse pointer to the'clangdark' texture and press mouse1. Now do the same with the walls. Deslect the floor brush (esc) and one by one select each wall brush by using (shift+mouse1) until they are all red. Once again go to your textures option and select base_wall. Then select the blue metal1b chrome texture and you'll see all four walls change. This will save you alot of time later on when your maps become more complex. Lastly texture the ceiling or in this case, the sky. Deselect the walls and now select the ceiling brush. Now your going to use your first shader with a sky texture. Using the textures option select skies and choose the pj_dm1Osky shader then deselect the ceiling. You have just textured your first room. Now it's time to check out your room but first we have to get you inside. This is where entities come into play. Entities include spawn points, weapons, items like armor and health. We need to have you spawn inside of the map using the spawn entity. Move the mouse pointer over onto the center of the square in your wireframe window and right click on the mouse(mouse2). A menu will pop up with a variety of options. Select info and then info_player_start. A cube will appear in the wireframe window and you'll have to move it into place to see it in the 3D window. Ideally it should be against a wall just a few units above the floor. Now you'll notice there's a big arrow sticking out of the side of the spawn box. This arrow shows which direction you'll appear inside of the map. The next section will show you how to keep from slamming into a wall.