Moving Platforms and Trains The next step will be to connect the starting point of the platform to the destination. Once again create another ' path_corner ' entity but this time place it in front of the end platform on the other side. Now simply select the original platform with the origin brush and then the first path corner. Hit 'ctrl+k' and you should see a brown line connect the two entities. Deselect and then select the first path corner and then the second. Once again hit 'crtl+k' and another line will connect the two entities. The last thing to do will be to point that last path corner back toward the platform's start. Just select the first path corner and hit the 'n' key to bring up the entity menu. Look at the target name and remember it. It's probably t2 or something like that. Deselect and now select the path corner on the other side and once again bring up the entity menu. Enter 'target' in the key field and for the value enter the target name from the last path corner. That's it!! This will make the platform to turn back from where it started so it can move back and forth. The other keys you can use are 'speed' with a default of 100 and 'wait' that uses a second as it's value. If you want a platform to pause at one point for three seconds just enter 3 as the value for the 'wait' key. You can make path corners till the cows come home. They can go up, down, through doors, whatever your little heart desires. Just remember to point the last one back toward the path corner that came before it. You could also just make a loop or a square path. Experiment and and see what happens in a test map. If the platform is not visible then you'll know your pathways are screwed up. Good luck!